During the 2008-9 school year, the research group at the University of Kentucky will conduct a new study of the use of Read & Write Gold in two Kentucky school districts. The study will look at how to increase student access to the general curriculum through increased availability and use of ETEXT technology with the anticipated outcome of gains in reading comprehension and student achievement. Continue reading “2008-9 Research Update for the University of Kentucky”
Author: menif@uoregon.edu
2007-8 Read & Write Gold Study in Kentucky
The NCSeT Kentucky ETEXT Study was designed to collect and analyze student usage data across a broad range of Kentucky Schools to identify patterns of student use of electronic reading supports and the relationship of these patterns to individual learner characteristics and performance as those students used the program Read & Write Gold (RWG). Continue reading “2007-8 Read & Write Gold Study in Kentucky”
iSpeech beta
A web-based tool for instant text to speech. Converts any text, blog, website. RSS or document into audio. Continue reading “iSpeech beta”
UDL Book Builder
Create your own digital books, learn how to incorporate the principals of Universial Design for Learning (UDL), and read digital books created by others. Continue reading “UDL Book Builder”
NCSeT TRB Meetings
Meetings of the NCSeT Technical Review Board were held at the 2009 CEC and AERA Conferences.
Fall 2008 Update at UGA
In our studies at the University of Georgia with students with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, we used an interactive computer-based program to teach students how to develop a graphic organizer in order to help them better comprehend recipes presented to them in e-text format. Continue reading “Fall 2008 Update at UGA”
Fall 2008 Update for UGA
In our studies at the University of Georgia with students with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, we used an interactive computer-based program to teach students how to develop a graphic organizer in order to help them better comprehend recipes presented to them in e-text format.
William (Skip) Stahl
William (Skip) Stahl, M.S., is CAST’s Director of Technical Assistance and one of the founders of CAST. Continue reading “William (Skip) Stahl”
Heidi Silver-Pacuilla
Heidi Silver-Pacuilla, Ph.D., is a Research Analyst at the American Institutes for Research (AIR) where she works on both the National Center for Technology Innovation (NCTI) and the National Reporting Standards (NRS) Project. Continue reading “Heidi Silver-Pacuilla”
David Reinking
David Reinking, Ph.D., is a Professor of Education at Clemson University. Continue reading “David Reinking”