Don Leu

Don Leu, Ph.D., is the John and Maria Neag Endowed Chair in Literacy and Technology and holds a joint appointment in Educational Psychology and Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Connecticut. Don Leu, Ph.D., is the John and Maria Neag Endowed Chair in Literacy and Technology and holds a joint appointment in Educational Psychology and Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Connecticut. He is also President of the National Reading Conference. A graduate of Michigan State, Harvard, and Berkeley, Don’s work focuses on the new forms of reading comprehension and writing required to read, write, and learn with Internet technologies and instructional practices that prepare students for these new skills. He has more than 100 research publications and sixteen books and he has given keynote addresses in Europe, Australia, Asia, South America, and North America. He is currently editing the Handbook of Research on New Literacies (Erlbaum) with Julie Coiro, Michele Knobel, and Colin Lankshear. His home page is at: