Project Publications: University of Georgia

Structural analysis of video supported electronic text for learners with moderate intellectual disabilities: A pilot investigation into assistive technology supports.

Structural analysis of text-to-speech and highlighting to support reading comprehension of individuals with moderate intellectual disabilities.

Pilot structural analysis and assessment of multiple electronic text supports for students with moderate intellectual disabilities.

The Effectiveness of Pictorial Graphic Organizers for Improving Comprehension of Functional Electronic Text by Students with Intellectual Disabilities.

Literacy and assistive technology supports for students with cognitive disabilities: Identification of supports and structural analysis.

Creating your own electronic text to support text comprehension by students with moderate to severe disabilities.

Publications from the University of Georgia

Articles Publications:


Ayres, K. M., Langone, J., Douglas, Karen, Mead, C., Bell, V., & Campbell, J. (in review). Structural analysis of video supported electronic text for learners with moderate intellectual disabilities: A pilot investigation into assistive technology supports. Journal of Special Education Technology.

Mead, C., Ayres, K. M., Langone, J., Douglas, Karen & Bell, V. (in preparation). Structural analysis of text-to-speech and highlighting to support reading comprehension of individuals with moderate intellectual disabilities.

Ayres, K. M., Langone, J. Douglas, K. Bell, V. (in preparation). Pilot structural analysis and assessment of multiple electronic text suppors for students with moderate intellectual disabilities.

Douglas, K. H., & Ayres, K. M. (2009). Creating your own electronic text to support text comprehension by students with moderate to severe disabilities. Technology in Action, 4, 1-8.

Douglas, K., Ayres, K.M., Langone, J., & Bell, V. (in preparation). The Effectiveness of Pictorial Graphic Organizers for Improving Comprehension of Functional Electronic Text by Students with Intellectual Disabilities

Chapter Publications:

Ayres, K. M., Langone, J., & Douglas, K. (2009). Literacy and assistive technology supports for students with cognitive disabilities: Identification of supports and structural analysis. In L.T. Wee Hin & R. Subramaniam (Ed.) Handbook of Research on New Media Literacy at the K-12 Level: Issues and Challenges. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference