Call for Proposals to support dissertation research investigating the impact of “supported electronic text” on middle or high school students’ comprehension of content area reading materials.
Category: Dissertation Grants Program
The National Center for Supported eText (NCSeT), under the direction of Dr. Lynne Anderson- Inman at the University of Oregon is pleased to announce a Call for Proposals to support dissertation research investigating the impact of “supported electronic text” on middle or high school students’ comprehension of content area reading materials. “Supported electronic text” (or “supported etext”) is digital text that has been enhanced in ways that are designed to improve reading comprehension and increase learning.
The purpose of the NCSeT Dissertation Research Grant Program is to support doctoral students as they engage in rigorously designed research that impacts the understanding of how students learn from digital text that has been enhanced to improve comprehension or extend learning. The grant program will also connect awardees with a national community of researchers with similar research interests and resources in ways that will enhance the quality and value of the dissertation research. NCSeT dissertation research grants will range from $2,000 to $10,000.
More information about the program can be found below.
Anderson-Inman & Horney, 2007
For an overview of Supported text, please consult:
Anderson-Inman, L. & Horney, M. (2007) Supported etext: Assistive technology through text transformations. Reading Research Quarterly, 42 (1), 153-160.
Application Flyer
NCSeT is pleased to announce a Call for Proposals to support dissertation research investigating the impact of supported electronic text on middle school or high school students’ reading comprehension of content area material. Continue reading “Application Flyer”