Rules about applying tags.
Category: About the Database
A significant part of the work of the NCSeT is to create an online database of the relevant research on supported text, and further, to describe and evaluate this material in ways that assist the research community. This part of the website provides information about the NCSeT Research LIterature Database.
Searching the Database: A Guide
NCSeT Research Database Searching Techniques
The NCSeT Research Database offers several means for searching its contents, from the forms-based search capability of the database interface pages to the command-line (url-based) searching outlined below and the ability use the SQL query language. The material that follows offers basic and intermediate searching using the URL as a command line for crafting both simple and complex searches.
The NCSeT Reference Liturature Database is built upon RefBase. Refbase is an open-source web-based bibliographic manager designed to meet the needs of researchers, bibliographers, and librarians in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities for collaboratively building and sharing reference citations, while conforming to current international bibliographic standards. Continue reading “RefBase”
The Research Literature Database Model
The core of the NCSeT Reference Literature Database is a collection of research studies of the uses and impacts of supported text on the reading competence of students in the populations that are the target of the Center's attention. To support the core collection of supported text research, the database also contains materials that establish the conceptual and foundational knowledge upon which supported text is based. For instance, if supported text is to impact students' reading competence, then supported text researchers must build upon the research on reading competence itself, and how it varies among different student populations and teaching/learning contexts.
Tags are labels used to describe an databse reference in relationship to the NCSeT conceptual framework and research focus. Each reference is labeled with tags from six clusters: eText Supports; Student Populations; Content Area; Grade Levels; and the Type of Reference.