NCSeT on NYC Channel 13

Dr. Carol Kennedy presented at the Celebration of Teaching and Learning in NYC.
On March 7th 2009, Dr. Carol Kennedy presented a workshop session at the annual Celebration of Teaching and Learning in association with WNET.ORG in New York City. Dr Kennedy is the Director of the NCSeT Research Site at Fordham University. The celebration was held at the Hilton Hotel. Fordham University is one of the main sponsors of this important event. It draws educators from the New York area as well as from around the country. The theme this year was “Science, Technology, Math and Global Awareness.” 

Dr. Kennedy conducted a workshop: “Using Supported Electronic Texts in Web-Based Environments to Enhance Literacy in At-risk Readers/ Students with Learning Disabilities who are also ESL/ELL Learners with Spanish as their First Language.” It demonstrated how middle and secondary-level teachers can use supported interactive, web-based electronic text in their classrooms to help at-risk readers, ELL students, including those with Spanish as their first language, and the general population to improve literacy. Attendees learned to utilize University of Oregon’s Intersect Digital Library as well NSCeT resources and other free digitized texts with customized text supports, metacognitive/cognitive strategies embedded in content-based documents, primary source documents as well as literature. In addition, educators learned to use digital text  sites to enhance teaching and learning, motivate students, and to integrate these types of sites in their own classroom pedagogy, especially in the science content areas.

Dr. Kennedy also presented the environmental and biology supported e-texts that she is using to conduct research for the NCSeT grant at the Fordham/Yonkers high school sites, as well as her findings.  Educators attending the session wanted to know how to acquire these types of texts to use with their own students in the classroom.