Larry Goldberg is the Director of Media Access at WGBH and oversees the National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM), The Caption Center, and Descriptive Video Service. Larry Goldberg is the Director of Media Access at WGBH and oversees the National Center for Accessible Media (NCAM), The Caption Center, and Descriptive Video Service. Mr. Goldberg has been deeply involved in the national effort to ensure that the design and implementation of the nation's information systems address the needs of people with disabilities. He was a pioneer in the development of the emerging captioning system for digital television in the U.S and served as the founding chair of the Working Group of the Electronic Industries Association, responsible for the design of a captioning system for the country's Advanced Television system. Mr. Goldberg was awarded a patent in 1996 for "Rear Window™," the first closed captioning system for movie theaters and theme parks. Mr. Goldberg served on the Federal Access Board's Electronic and Information Technology Access Advisory Committee that established rules for federal compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. He presents widely at conferences and consults for government and media and technology companies on access issues and is a member of numerous advisory boards. He also currently serves on the Federal Communications Commission's Technological Advisory Council and on the FCC's Consumer Advisory Committee.