NCSeT is currently supporting two doctoral students as they conduct individual experimental studies on the effectiveness of “supported etext”. Each study is focused on one etext support, investigating its effectiveness to improve the reading comprehension of a specific student population. The following two doctoral students are conducting individual experimental studies supported by NCSeT. More details on this research are available at the NCSeT Web site by selecting the appropriate entry from the menu provided under “Research Sites”.
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Doctoral Student: Edward Parker, supported by Margo Izzo, Jeanne Novak, Kelly Dillon
Investigating the use of “Guided Notes” in WYNN to improve on-task behavior and reading comprehension of high school students with learning disabilities reading about career awareness and transition to work.
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
Doctoral Student: Ben Fisher, supported by Lynne Anderson-Inman and Mark Horney
Investigating the differential impact on reading comprehension of “descriptive captions” versus “instructional captions” for illustrations and graphics in high school biology texts read by students with learning disabilities.