This annotated collection of Web sites illustrates various types of supported etext. Some are individual documents, stories, or books. Some are collections or libraries providing access to multiple examples. is a collborative bookmarking site that allows collections of Web sites to be tagged, searched, and shared. At we have created a collaborative, searchable, annotated database of Web sites containing examples of books, documents, and collections of digital text that have been supported by one or more type of resource. Entries are tagged on the following dimensions: (a) content area, (b) grade level, (c) type of digital text (e.g. book, collection etc.), (d) student population, and (e) type of supportive resource (with the 11 types of resources referred to in Anderson-Inman & Horney, 2007).
You may access this online database of supported etext Web sites by going to
This allows you to browse, search (using the tags at the right margin), and follow the links to any Web site listed.
You may also contribute to this collection of websites. Username for our collection of bookmarks on supported etext is: “supported_etext” and the password is “etext.” If you log in with this name and password you can add to our collection of bookmarked websites with supported etext. You may create your own collections of bookmarked and tagged websites by registering for a account, available at